Carnegie Mellon University

Bianca  Kang

Bianca Kang

  • TCS 243
5000 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213


I'm a first-year Societal Computing Ph.D. student at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), supervised by Professor Kathleen Carley. I'm broadly interested in sociolinguistics, cultural analytics, and social network analysis. I'm particularly keen on exploring how online communities construct representations and identities for the things they talk about and themselves, across various contexts (news, conspiracies, fandom).

Before coming to CMU, I worked in information research at the Defence Science and Technology Agency in Singapore. I did my Master of Arts (Research) in Psychology at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) with a focus on computational social science, supervised by Professor Ringo Ho - my thesis analyzed the correlates of and gendered differences in repeat advice-seeking behavior on Reddit. In the even more distant past, I was a full-time research assistant in a lab situated between the Nanyang Business School and School of Social Sciences at NTU. I did my undergraduate at the National University of Singapore, where I majored in Psychology and was part of the University Scholars Programme.